General Appearance

The Bergamasco is a muscular, heavy-boned herding dog with a large head and a thick tail that hangs down to the hock and curves slightly upward at the end. The entire dog is covered with an abundant coat that forms mats. The Bergamasco is compact in profile but is just slightly longer than tall.


The Bergamasco's characteristic feature is its unique coat, made up of three types of hair. The coat forms flocks (strands of hair weaved together creating flat layers of felted hair) or loose mats, which cover the dog's body and legs, and protect the dog from weather and predators. The hair on the head is typically long and hangs over the eyes.

Size: The ideal size fore dogs is 60 cm (23½ inches) , and for bitches 56 cm (22 inches) . 2 cm up or down is accepted.

Weight: Dogs 32 - 38 kilos (70 and 84 pounds). Bitches 26 - 32 kilos (57 and 71 pounds).        


Head: Length of the head is 4/10 of the height at the withers. Muzzle length should be equal to the length of the skull. The axis of the muzzle and the skull are parallel. The whole head has to be big and solid          

Skull: The width of the skull should be half of the length of the head. It is rather wide and slightly convex between the ears. The forehead also is slightly rounded and large. The median line (flute) is good marked and the     occipital protuberance is prominent. Stop is marked.          

Muzzle: The width of the muzzle, measured at half length, is half of its length. It gradually and slightly converge towards the end, but not to point. Nose     most be black, with wide nostrils.              

Mouth: The jaws are well developed with scissors bite. The lips are thin, not too developed, and just cover the teeth. 

Eyes: Eyes are large, slightly oval, neither protruding or sunk. Brown in color. They should look alert, serene and intelligent. The eyelids     fit tightly over the eye, with black pigmented rims. The eyelashes are long to hold up the hair fringe falling forwards to cover the face.          

Ears:     Ears are set just above the zygomatic arch. They are pendent, soft, thin and ending in a triangular shape. In alert should slight lift near their attachment. Ear length should not to be more than the half     of the length of the head, better if shorter.

Neck:      Neck is strong and large, its perimeter is twice its length. Upper profile is slightly convex. The skin is never flabby, so always without dewlap Coat forms a thick collar. 

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Body:     The length of the body measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks should be about 5% longer than the height at the withers. Breast is broad. The rib cage should be full, descending down to the level of the elbows, with well sprung ribs, not barrel chest. The height of the chest should be 50% the height at the withers.
Top line must be straight, only the Withers stands in the straight topline. The lumbar region shows a certain convexity.
The rump is large, strong, and well muscled. It should be long, blending into the croup with an inclination angle formed by the horizontal line of 30°
The underline from the sternum rises very slightly towards the belly whose tuck-up is barely noticeable.

Tail: The tail must be thick at the root and tapering towards the tip. The coat on the tail should be rich and harsh. Its tip have to  reaches the hock when the dog is standing. Its carriage when standing should     be hanging down with an upward hook on the tip. When moving the tail is raised to the topline and constantly wagging as a flag.        

Forequarters: Seen from front as in profile limbs are straight. Height from ground to elbow is 50% the height at the withers.              

Shoulder: Shoulder should be strong, with well developed musculature. The shoulder blade need to be wide and sufficient long. Its length should not be inferior to a quarter of the height at the withers. Its average lay-back from the horizontal should be 55°-60°.              

Upper arm:  As the shoulder the upper arm should be strong, with well developed musculature. Humerus is a strong bone only a little longer than the shoulder blade. The angle between shoulder blade and humerus should be about 115° - 120°.   


Elbow: Elbows are in close proximity to the chest wall. The coat from the elbow down must be profuse, long and matted.  

Forearm:  Forearm is strong and straight. Radius has the same length or slightly longer than the humerus.   

Pastern joint: The pastern joint (Carpus) is mobile and lean with the pisiform bone     clearly protruding.            

Pastern:  Pastern (Metacarpus) seen in profile is slightly sloping to the front.

Foot: Oval shaped with well closed and arched toes.

Hindquarters:  Limbs straight, as much in profile as from behind.              

Upper tight: Upper tight should be wide, strong and well muscled. The among pelvis and femur angle must

be about 100°.