UK -BOFF OPEN DAY and AGM on 17th June 2018

BOFF OPEN DAY and AGM    was held on June 17th in The Midlands - a central point for people from all over the UK. We were thrilled to have 20 dogs there - which included all of the puppies born to Alp Angels Fiore in December last year, along with 30 adults and 12 children.   We were very lucky to have fine weather and an official Kennel Club Judge, Helen Really joined us to judge all of our adult and children classes.  As it was Father’s Day in UK, we decided to have a special ‘Dad’s Class’ - where each Dad had to wear a hat and run someone else’s dog in the ring.  As always, we started with a walk in the local woods as many had travelled for several hours to reach us.  The children too had their own classes as well as an activity centre where they had to draw Bergamascos and model them in clay.        On a more serious note, the Best in Show was awarded to Mauro (Arturo Di Casa Della Alia), owned by Lee & Alia Marsden and Reserve to Cicci (Calshair Losgaintir) owned and bred by Chris & Alasdair Walker.

Captions for photos:    1.  Adults, Children, Dogs & Sill hats!    2. Tilly and Livvie with Amore and Cicci    3.Helen Really KC Judge (Blue flowered top) and Reyna Knight (Steward) judging the Children’s Class.  4. The Fathers Day Dad’s Class   5.  The morning walk.

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Michael Sing