Bergamascos in Denmark

Here in Denmark we have only 5 Bergamasco and only one Breeder, 4 of them are out of Dell Albra Lines (2 from Sweden and 2 from Norway) the last one is from a breeder in Poland, the only Breeder is me, I am the owner of kennel Perfect storms.


In Denmark there were puppies only once in the past, and from this litter were the first Bergamascos in Sweden  in 1986; none of these dogs are living today.

Today we did an ultrasound of Eccola to see if there where puppies, and YES there were puppies and lots of them; the vet says at least 6, but she thinks there are more.

So I am happy to annoce that we in Denmark are expecting puppies about the 16-17 september, the mother  DKCH SECH INTCH KLBCH KBHV12 PLW12 NORDV12 KLBV12 Eccola Av Villrosebakken is black and the father KBHV12 Skärviks Rubin is grey. 

Pia Storm Pedersen